4 Reasons to Eat More Broccoli

4 Reasons to Eat More Broccoli

It’s a superfood for a reason – broccoli isn’t just delicious, it’s also packed with important nutrients that are crucial for your health.

Not convinced? Here are four reasons you should eat more broccoli.

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1. It’s good for heart health.

High in fiber, broccoli helps reduce “bad” (LDL) cholesterol.

“Fiber prevents LDL cholesterol from building up inside your blood vessels, and can even help eliminate it from the body,” says Natalie Adamson, RDN, clinical nutrition manager at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.

But that’s not all. Broccoli is also high in potassium and low in sodium, which can help prevent high blood pressure and reduce stress on the heart.

“Just be careful if you’re on certain blood thinners,” Adamson adds. “Rich in vitamin K, a vitamin that helps with blood clotting, broccoli can counteract your medication and increase your risk for blood clots to form.”

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2. It keeps your gut healthy.

Fiber isn’t just good for keeping cholesterol down – it also supports digestive health.

“Fiber helps keep the gut healthy, and can improve or even prevent constipation,” says Adamson.

But if you’re going to increase your fiber intake, it’s important to increase your fluid intake, too.

3. It can help prevent cancer.

Perhaps its best-known benefit, broccoli is thought to prevent cancer.

That’s because of its high quantities of sulforaphane, a compound which can slow tumor growth and prevent cancerous cells from multiplying.

“Broccoli, like many cruciferous vegetables, contains a plant compound thought to reduce the risk of some cancers. Although more research is still needed to understand its effectiveness, existing studies have shown some promise,” says Adamson.

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4. It reduces inflammation.

Choosing high-fiber vegetables like broccoli can help reduce inflammation.

“Loaded with antioxidants like vitamin C, this is a great option to keep inflammation in check,” says Adamson. “This can help reduce your risk for many chronic diseases.”

These conditions include:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Crohn’s disease

Here’s how to get more broccoli in your diet.

If broccoli has never been your favorite vegetable, a few preparation tips might help.

“I actually love broccoli just steamed plain until soft, but still slightly crunchy,” says Adamson. “But another great option is to season it with Mrs. DASH or your favorite low sodium spices.”

Or if steamed broccoli isn’t for you?

“You can roast broccoli at 400 degrees for about fifteen or twenty minutes,” Adamson says. “Season it with garlic, onion powder and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil before putting it in the oven. If you like a little heat, try adding red pepper flakes.”
